internet speed test site, The process of measuring the speed of the Internet is among the things that run the minds of many users who want to know what their speed is, In many cases.
some people complain of a weak Internet when browsing websites or using applications and programs. This may be due to more than one reason, including the presence of a breach of the Wi-Fi router, Or that the company that provides you with the Internet service did not give you the agreed speed.
In any case, There are many methods used that enable us to check the speed of the Internet accurately, Where a number of websites that we will get to know later provide you with a free internet speed measurement service so that you can know your current speed and reassure your heart and make sure that there is no hacking of the router or that there is cheating and deception from the company that provides you with the Internet.

Best internet speed test site
internet speed test site, The solution to the existing problem is in a number of wonderful websites that will comfort you and save you the trouble of going to the company and checking your line, The sites will help to measure the speed of the Internet with high accuracy, which is next:
Fast speed test site
Fast speed test is one of the free sites of the Netflix network, which allows you to check the Internet speed in your home with high quality and accuracy, It is one of the most used and popular websites. Thousands of people use it to check the speed of their internet.
The site has a large number of advantages, including measuring the speed of upload and download, in addition to measuring the speed of the Internet with great accuracy, With the absence of any kind of annoying ads when you open it on the browser, The way to use it is as follows:
- Go to the Fast speed test website link Click here to start your internet speed test.
- As soon as you click on login, you will start calculating the internet speed on your network in kilobytes (Kbps) and megabytes.
- You can stop the scanning process by pressing the Stop button.
- And in case you want to re-check and measure again, click on the arrow icon to start over.
internet speed test site
Speed Net Website Speed Test Net
internet speed test site, This site will help you in measuring the real internet speed through a number of accurate testing and measurement tools, The site can know your geographical location, The name of the company that provides you with the Internet and other benefits, The way to use it is as follows:
- Go to the Speed Net website link click here .
- Click on the (GO) option in the main interface on the site.
- Wait for the internet speed test to be completed.
- The site will provide you with a large number of information regarding Ping, Download, Upload and other important data and information that will let you know the performance of your network.
Among the disadvantages of this site is the presence of a number of annoying ads, But at the same time, it does not stop you from measuring the speed of the Internet because it is located in certain places.
internet speed test site, Not to mention that this site (Netspot) allows you to measure the speed of the Internet in your home, It also offers a number of other features and improvements including providing tips on the best place to place your router to get full internet speed, Not to mention identifying network problems and providing solutions to them, With the possibility of measuring the speed of the Internet on the mobile if you use one of the smartphone browsers, All you have to do is the following:
- Go to visit the website link click here .
- A small file will be downloaded, After the download is finished, click on its icon.
- Click on Install now to start installing the software on your device on your computer or on your mobile device.
- Wait for the installation process to finish.
- You can now start measuring your internet speed by clicking on the check button to start the process.
Speed test Google
internet speed test site, Google Fiber Speed Test is one of the well-known American company Google sites, It has a lot of advantages, including a simple and easy interface and completely free of ads, Through the site, you can measure your Internet speed with high accuracy, and the method is as follows:
- Be sure to visit the website link click here .
- Click on the small arrow icon to start checking your home internet speed.
- Wait while you have finished choosing your internet speed.
- It will provide you a lot of information regarding DOWNLOAD and DOWNLOAD, Bing speed test and other important data.
- When the scan is finished, you will see “Done” indicating that the scan is over.
- You can restart the scan by pressing the arrow again.
Xfinity Speed Test
internet speed test site, A site among the best sites to measure the speed of the Internet with accuracy and high quality, It has a number of advantages, including simplicity and ease of use, And that with a very simple interface.
The site provides you with a large number of important data that enables you to see the Internet speed in your home, The way to use it is as follows:
- Go to visit the website link click here .
- Click on the Start Test option or start the test.
- The process of checking and measuring your internet speed will start.
- After it is finished, it will show you the information you want to access from the download speed and many other useful data.
internet speed test site
internet speed test, To conclude our article for today, We got acquainted with the best site to measure the speed of the Internet, Which is a collection of great websites that will enable you to check your internet speed and ensure the safety of the network.